Electrolysis is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) as the only safe and permanent method for the removal of unwanted facial and body hair and is recommended for medical and cosmetic reasons.
- 15 mins ~ $40.00
- 30 mins ~ $60.00
- 45 mins ~ $80.00
- 60 mins ~ $100.00
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Treatment for the Removal of Unwanted Hair
Electrolysis has become a popular service for men and women, young and old. Many seek treatment for cosmetic reasons alone, while others seek relief with a doctor’s recommendation for medical-related issues. Electrolysis is safe, can be relatively painless, and is effective for the permanent removal of unwanted facial and body hair. Although “electrolysis” originally referred to the associated chemical process, the term has become synonymous with “permanent hair removal”.
Electrolysis is currently recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) as the only safe and permanent method for the removal of unwanted facial and body hair and is recommended for medical and cosmetic reasons. Electrolysis treatment is a method whereby a disposable, fine, and flexible needle is inserted into the follicle from which the hair is growing, then an electrical current is passed through the needle for between two and ten seconds destroying growing cells by heat (thermolysis), a chemical reaction (galvanic) or a combination of the two (blend). The hair in that follicle is then removed with tweezers. Cells that are unharmed by this treatment will grow new hair which will eventually be treated during a later appointment and the hair will gradually grow more slowly and become finer and fairer until they stop altogether. Some people may have a genetic predisposition or imbalance in their hormones which produces an excess of hair and in these cases electrolysis can only be used to control the problem but in most cases by following a treatment regime hair removal is permanent. Ask for advice from your doctor for more help in this area.
How Electrolysis Works
- Any visible hair can be treated. The electrologist sets the machine with the correct amount of energy for the area and hair type.
- A fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle (client should not feel the insertion).
- Apply settings. This will allow the hair to release inside the follicle. (The client will feel the settings. *The electrologist will find a comfortable “working point” for each client)
- With a pair of tweezers, the electrologist will gently remove the hair from the follicle. (The client will not feel the hair being removed)
- Repeat.
The hair on different areas of the body has its own growth cycle. The scalp hair on people will have a two to four-year life span whereas eyebrows and eyelashes fall out after around four months of growth. Once scalp hair has finished it’s life the follicle will rest for anything from several weeks to a few months before starting to regrow a hair. Because of this time-lapse and the fact that only visible hair can be treated each area has a four-month initial treatment period.
Taking the above explanation into account it can be seen that perceived regrowth is in fact new hair being produced by a previously dormant follicle. Electrolysis treatment is at its most effective when used on these newly growing hairs as soon as they are visible.
Causes of Excessive Hair
Studies done on this subject have concluded that three factors cause this – heredity, glandular problems, and normal systemic changes.
Normal Systemic Changes are bodily functions such as pregnancy, hysterectomy, menopause, and puberty. Puberty has obvious signs of change in the body as well as hair growth. With the onset of puberty the activity of hair follicles increases which can darken and thicken the hair shaft. Hormone levels in women during reproductive changes can cause more hair to grow on the body and face.
Glandular Disturbances are caused by the endocrine system of the body which governs the physical development of the body. Some medications can upset the balance of this system and one result can be altered hair growth. Medication such as birth control and male hormone pills as well as pregnancy can have an effect on the delicate endocrine system.
Hereditary Hirsutism is found throughout the world’s nationalities. This problem can be solved permanently by Electrolysis no matter what nationality or type of hair growth. It should be remembered, however, that some cases of high hair growth can be normal due to physiological changes the client is experiencing as conversely going bald is just a normal process usually being a hereditary condition.
Adrenalin release can also alter the condition of hair causing it to coarsen and become more obvious. Emotional and physical stress can both stimulate the adrenal glands which initiate a reaction in hormone activity. Tweezing and waxing can stimulate blood supply which can cause hair to grow darker and thicker but can also reduce hair growth in some people.